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Dear Friends,


We hope that this letter finds you and your family well. We are excited to announce that we will reopen SP.OR.T.S. on Monday, June 1st. Although Governor Hogan cleared medical offices for reopening, we have decided to be extra cautious and wait a few more weeks in order to establish a safety plan for both patients and staff. We have implemented several new policies and procedures and will work to reschedule patients who haven’t seen us since March during our opening week.

We are dedicated to following guidelines put forth by the state, CDC, American Physical Therapy Association and Maryland department of Health and Mental Hygiene board of Physical Therapy Examiners.  For everyone's safety please read the NEW protocols below:


  • Prior to arrival, call the office (301-946-7717) to answer a short questionnaire.

  • To prevent overcrowding, please wait in your car until notified by staff to enter the building. SP.OR.T.S. is adding NEW weekend hours to help accommodate patient scheduling.

  • Take your temperature before your appointment. Staff will retake it with a touchless thermometer upon entry.

  • You are expected to come to your appointment alone unless a companion is medically necessary or the patient is under 18.

  • A face mask is required in order to enter the clinic. You will be provided with a face mask if you do not have one.

  • Please use hand sanitizer before and during your appointment.


We have made changes to our office as well.


  • Staff is required to wear masks at all times.

  • A plexiglass barrier screen has been installed at the front desk.

  • There will be a limited number of physical therapists and patients in the clinic at any given time.

  • Private rooms will be utilized to ensure extra space between patients.

  • Large vinyl barriers have been placed between treatment tables and exercise equipment in the gym.


It has been a scary and tough time for us all. We appreciate your patience as we continue to navigate through the pandemic and we look forward to helping you get back on track to reaching your personal and functional goals.

For questions and to reschedule, please call the office at (301) 946-7717. For general information and updates, check out our website at


Warmest regards, 















COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

We are all concerned about how the Coronavirus is affecting our communities and we want you to know that we care about your well being. If you have traveled outside of the U.S. or have experienced symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath, and/or coughing, we encourage you to NOT come to PT, but rather contact your primary care physician. 


We understand if you need to cancel your appointment.


Again, we care about your health and safety. Follow your doctor's orders and take preventive measures offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help stop the spread of germs. Don't hesitate to call the office if you have questions or concerns. Thank you and stay healthy from your friends at SP.OR.T.S.!








Currently, Sports and Orthopaedic Therapy Services, LLC (SPORTS) is closed. However, we are pleased to announce that we will be reopening during Governor Hogan’s phase 1 reopening of Maryland.  At that time, we will be doing everything possible to ensure your safety and the safety of our employees. In order to best serve you, we have extended our appointment time slots, limiting the number of both patients and therapists in the clinic at any given time. We have also opened both Saturday and Sunday hours to help accommodate patient scheduling.  


Please take note of our newly added protocols. Every patient and employee will be asked questions pertaining to their health and will have their temperature taken. You will be provided with a face mask if you do not already have one and will be directed to wash your hands thoroughly prior to entry of the clinic. We are also utilizing sneeze guards where possible.  These measures will help decrease foot traffic and keep everyone as safe as possible.  Also, we are considering how to integrate Telehealth into the practice. Please stay tuned, stay safe and stay healthy!


Thank you!


Your SPORTS team

Questions? Contact Us!


P: 301-946-7717
F: 301-946-8794


Appointment Hours:

Monday thru Thursday

7:00 AM to 7:00 PM



7:00 AM to 3:00 PM


Office Location:

10605 Concord Street, Suite 105

Kensington, Maryland 20895


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